Category: Quiz

Weekly quiz: motor oil grades

Which lubricating oil should you use in your engine ?

The answer is found in your user’s manual: always use the one recommended by your engine’s manufacturer. This holds whether that engine is a gasoline or a diesel engine, and whether that engine is aboard your boat or in your vehicle.

Weekly quiz: Marine VHF duplex and simplex channels

VHF is the marine communication means of choice.

Rather than bother with frequencies, its numbered channels was a great idea. It made radio simple to understand and use for boaters.

That is, until different needs led different countries to use it in different ways…

Weekly quiz: anode lifespan and replacement

Here, 3 different anodes can be seen before splashing back into the water. Questions 🔹 What is the typical lifespan of an anode and how often should they be inspected? 🔹 What are signs that an anode needs to be replaced? And bonus question 🔹 Where do anodes need to be typically placed on a…

Weekly quiz: Nautical chart of St. Paul island

This week in the Vendée Globe, Antoine Cornic anchored off St-Paul Island to repair his broken mainsail track ⛓️‍💥

To put the pictures shared by the TAAF into context, we looked up the SHOM nautical chart for this particular anchorage.

Weekly quiz: Christmas tree at sea!

‘Tis Christmas tree season! 🎄 Now suppose you come across one at sea! Questions 🔹 What is this vessel and what do its navigation lights mean? 🔹 And bonus question: supposing you see this on your port side, who must do what? 👉 Reply on one of our social media below. We’ll post the solution…