Tag: Preparation

5 key steps to a liferaft you can depend on

When sailing offshore, safety is paramount. Having a liferaft on board can make all the difference in case of an emergency: fire, water ingress, etc. But having a liferaft on board is not enough. It’s essential to ensure that it will be in perfect operating condition when you need it.

Let’s take a look at the essential steps you need to take to ensure that everything will work at its best in a critical situation at sea. Starting with protecting and storing your liferaft.

How to make your sails last longer?

Are your sails losing their shape? Is your boat losing speed and heeling more? Do you want to keep your sails as long as possible and maintain their performance level? Do you want to avoid having to buy a new set of sails too soon?

Here are a few tips to help you care for your sails over time. Thanks to these guidelines, you’ll be able to keep your sails for a few more years.

[ Interview ] Romain, sailing around the Mediterranean

With three buddies, Romain sailed around the Mediterranean after graduating. They chose an Océanis 390 which they refitted themselves. He tells us about the work they did, the problems they encountered and how they divided up the tasks. An uncompromising look at what worked and what didn’t, and how to better maintain your boat.

How to care for my electric tender motor?

Are you a boat owner looking for a quieter, greener solution for your tender? Have you ever considered an electric outboard motor? Our guide will help you care for your electric motor and get the most out of it.