Weekly quiz: identifying a cardinal beacon

🔹 What is this beacon?
🔹 Where should you be passing?
🔹 And bonus points if you can name the summit in the background.
👉 Reply on one of our social media below. We’ll post the solution right here next Sunday!
The correct answer has been given. It is, of course, a cardinal west beacon. Yellow-Black-Yellow, with the two cones pointing at each other. The marker is therefore west of the danger. And you need to travel west of the marker. The picture didn’t make it clear whether that was going “right” or “left”.
The answer to the bonus question was: Mount Orohena (2241m), on the island of Tahiti. It’s the highest point in French Polynesia 🇵🇫 This extinct volcano is the 7th most isolated in the world. You could tell it was in a tropical environment, as you could see the breakers on the coral reef to the left of the beacon.
Our next quiz on navigation lights is now live and awaiting your answer!